Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pete the Pirate

What do people think about this for his look? Should he be cleaner? dirtier? lighter? no earrings? Any and all input welcome of course! ( I don't know how to add the clothes... We'll have to work that out later)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Becky's shot (possibly)

 I was looking at reference of capstans and thought of this. I would try t keep it pretty quick, not super drawn-out, so our timing could stay snappy... And I was having a mind block with the broom prop, haha... Though, let me know if it doesn't work!
Basically he trips on the rope of the capstan and it goes spinning in the opposite direction.

Scene 2

Mass walking. I studied a lot of tightrope walking videos, but for some reason they would not load on the blog.
Furthermore, I found this diagram showing the names of the different parts of the ship.

More pirate reference

I posted several capstan photos for myself, and some of people walking up by the sails for Angie and Alex. I guess when people roll up sails, they usually stand on a rope like that photo below, but the bottom one is nice for the direction we were thinking of going in.

Lucie's Shot